T he Springfield Social Club, celebrated their 7th anniversary at Lake Pointe Grill on September 17. The club’s membership continues to grow with each year, as do their charity donations, thanks to the generosity of their members. The club’s monthly charity was Douglas school and the event collected a plethora of school supplies and 48 gift cards. SSC 7th Anniversary Springfield Social Club By Juliann Pennell Springfield Social Club is a Springfield, Illinois based organization focused on providing social, cultural, philanthropic and career networking opportunities for Springfield-area professionals of all ages. Membership is free and open to the public. For future dates and locations and charity requests for the month, check them out on Facebook. Bob Gordon, MT Dold Bobbie Castle, Dave Martin Jenny Waldinger, Doug Kinley Springfield Scene Magazine Tenth Anniversary Issue/Nov/Dec 2014 Kirk Lonbom, Janet Cook Matt Waldhoff, Pat Londrigan Paula Velten, Charo Massie Bonnie Williams, Monica Wagner, Karen Center Doug Kinley, Chuck Sattler, Paul Lamantia Rose Fore, Julie Milligan, Trudy Markey 64 Alison Schomburg, Greg Holcomb, Cari Borders, Linda Murphy