Springfield Scene Magazine Tenth Anniversary Issue/Nov/Dec 2014 home décor. Prices run from a few dollars to $110. Seed money for District 23 came from a $60,000 grant from the US Rural Letter Carriers Association. Michelle says the foundation’s success wouldn’t be possible without all the wonderful volunteers and two close friends, Brandy Lozosky and Laura Gehr. Brandy acts as creative director and Laura does most of the purchasing. One of the foundation’s few paid staff, Michelle’s cousin Ivy, manages the store. Now entering its 10th year, Michelle believes the Foundation will only continue growing. “It’s really starting to build momentum,” she says. “It’s going to be huge. It will go on long after I am dead and gone.” ~SSM~ Additional information is available at www.ciafonline.org; www.district23.com; and www.e-websmart.com. 17