Profile By Robyn Bouillon Karen Gedrose Getting Fit in the Workplace hen Karen Gedrose speaks, likelihood of developing heart disease people listen. doubles with an inactive lifestyle,” Karen recites. “If people are willing to Since being hired in May by the American make important lifestyle changes, heart Heart Association as its Corporate Events disease can be 80% preventable.” Director for central Illinois, among other numerous job duties, the lanky friendly She says that most people realize the blond with the Australian accent has been need to be heart healthy, but few on a mission to convince area businesses translate that into action. They usually to promote fitness in the workplace. cite “lack of time” as their number one Sobering statistics add an extra punch to reason. her message. “That’s why AHA determined to get “Heart disease is the number one cause of people where they spend much of their death in adult men and women, and the time – the worksite,” Karen says. W Their Fit-Friendly Worksite initiative is designed for companies with at least 25 employees. At zero cost to the company, Karen will come to their workplace and help lay out a walking path and employee health program that includes helpful tools and incentives for employees to commit to healthier, more active lifestyles. Participating companies become eligible to receive one of three recognition awards, depending on their level of participation. The intrinsic rewards are immeasurable – a healthier, more energetic work staff that may actually lower insurance expenses through improved health.