Night of Thanks Reception for United Way Leaders Guild and Community Builder donors was held at Springfield Clinic-1st, 900 Building on September 17th. Dr. Bill and Kara Putman hosted the event and it was sponsored by many local businesses. In addition to the Putmans, Randy Bryant, CEO at Springfield Clinic and the Becker family made remarks. A Annual Night of Thanks Reception United Way By Juliann Pennell Cathy and Dale Becker Mary Loken, Janice Butler Kara and Bill Putman Springfield Scene Magazine Tenth Anniversary Issue/Nov/Dec 2014 Lisa Neal-Vickers, Amy Beadle Rob and Carol Roderick Brad and Kate Dyer, Michah Bartlett Jared Brown, Katrina Schroeder, Randy Bryant Jodi Stone, Jay York, Carolyn Otten Marianne Jackson, Emily Rabin, Deanna Marvin Randy and Kathy Germeraad 20 Gary Neubauer, Mitch Johnson Ryann and Heath Stinebaker, Steven Brown, Ericha Nowakowski