Springfield Scene Magazine 2021 Issue 2 (Mar/Apr) is available at Barnes & Noble, The Corkscrew and our office at 1315 W. Lawrence Ave.   To download a digital copy complete the form below.

In our 2nd issue for 2021 we present: 

  • A profile of  John Stremsterfer, the President & CEO of the Land of Lincoln Community Foundation;
  • An award winning physician at Springfield Clinic, Dr. Steven O’Marro;
  • Danielle and David Anderson, the owners of the Corkscrew;  and
  • In ArtScene, Gus Gordon profiles one of our city’s most amazing theatrical directors, Dr. Leigh Steiner.

Other Features:

  • A book review of the best seller, Fiber Fueled, by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz
  • Pease’s at BUNN Gourmet has some great food and is ready for Spring!
  • HomeScene features a beautiful home in Piper Glenn

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