The War in Ukraine: Russian context, Western policies, International implications

September 13, 2022 at Illini Country Club

Reception: 5:30pm | Dinner: 6:15pm | Program: 7:30pm

Speaker: Robert Goeckel

Robert Goeckel received his undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Michigan and his doctorate in Government from Harvard University.  He has taught political science and international relations at SUNY Geneseo since 1982.  His research specialty has been eastern Europe, Germany and the former USSR, in particular focusing on the role of churches and religion in these political systems. In addition to a number of articles, he has published two books: The Lutheran Church and the East German State (1990, Cornell University Press), translated into German in 1998; Soviet Religious Policy in Estonia and Latvia: Playing Harmony in the Singing Revolution (2018, Indiana University Press).  Goeckel was co-director of the SUNY Center for the Study of the US and Russia at Moscow State University, 2000-2001 and led study abroad groups to Russia from 2004 to 2012.  He was named a SUNY Distinguished Professor in 2020.

During his presentation, Dr. Goeckel will attempt to answer some of most pressing questions regarding the current conflict in Ukraine such as; how did political developments in Russia and its foreign policy set the stage for the war? To what extent have Western policies played a role? What are the implications of the war for international politics?

Dinner Reservations

Dinner and cocktails will be served beforehand at 5:30 pm and reservations are required. Cost for dinner
is $40 per person.

Reservations are required for dinner and must be prepaid and received on or before September 5, 2022. There is no guarantee of seating beyond that date. In the event of possible late reservations, contact Lynn McMenamin, 217-502-6956,, to determine whether seating is available. Seating is limited to maximum room occupancy allowed by the Springfield Building Code. Please make your reservations early!