The Educational Center was established in September 2014 by Evelyn Brandt-Thomas in honor of her husband, Gordon Thomas. Her desire was to honor her husband and provide skill development and social interaction opportunities for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

This is to announce our new location and name for the Educational Center. Our new name, Educational Center for the Visually Impaired, formerly the Brandt-Thomas Educational Center, more accurately reflects our mission to provide innovative programs and services through training, development and education for those who experience blindness or loss of vision. Our
Center is now located at 3240 Hedley Road – Suite C, Springfield.

Our services are free and we invite anyone who is blind or visually impaired to check us out. We provide computer classes and victor stream classes. We teach individuals how to use an I-Phone, I-Pad or I-Pod. We have a Braille instructor for those who want to learn Unified English Braille Code (UEB). We offer art appreciation classes and our Friendship Fridays are designed to help people connect with one another and learn new information from knowledgeable experts in their field. Our book club meets every other Friday to discuss a variety of books where the group will discuss a book provided through the Talking Books program with the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office. We are a charitable not-for-profit organization.

For more information, contact Peggy Dyson, Executive Director at if you or someone you know could benefit from our services.