By Bill Stokes, Publisher

1. Relationships:  Do your best to put distance between you and those around you that are out of sync with you and your goals.  Worry less about the impact of your distance on them and more about what their chaotic energy is doing to you.  Find what lights you up, brings you joy and pursue it. 

2. News:  Unfortunately the “news” is no longer about what’s happening but what other people think about what is happening.  You don’t need others to tell you what to think and feel about a situation.  Nor do we need them to “sell” us on their stories, repeatedly, until it is nauseating.  Turn off the “News” shows.  If you want to stay up on current affairs find a news source like  They report the news not pontificating on their perspective of the news. 
3. Gossiping:  Avoid casual conversation about other people that involve details that are not confirmed as being true.  This is gossip and will only serve to bring your energy down and take your mind to a negative place.  It’s hard to avoid but as soon as you recognize what is happening just walk away or try to change the subject.  If it is you that is gossiping then just stop.  Have a good book around that inspires you.  Read a couple of pages to snap you back into a positive state of mind. I recommend a book by don Miguel Ruiz, “The 4 Agreements”.
4. Move The Body:  To rid yourself of negative energy you may have to move the body.  Walking, running, biking, hiking, yoga or working out all help to take the mind out of negative energy state and boost it to a happy place because of the hormone release you get from movement.  Do this regularly.
5. Meditation:  If you know how to meditate then make sure you find the time to do it.  Find a quiet place that makes you feel good and meditate for 10 to 20 minutes.  If you don’t know how to meditate then go to your quiet place and listen to music that puts you in a relaxed meditative state.  I like the YouTube Channel Meditative Mind and it is also on Spotify.